New Faculty Research Seminar Series

October 8, 2009 |

The Indiana University East New Faculty Research Seminar Series will be held October 14 through November 4. Lectures are scheduled from 12:15-1:15 p.m. The lectures are free and open to the public.

The schedule is:

October 14 – Anita Morgan, assistant professor of business administration, Community Room, Whitewater Hall
“A Study of the Factors That Motivate Managers to Provide Precise Forecasts in the MD&A Section of the Annual Report”

October 15 – Gary Breitenbach, visiting lecturer in biology, Community Room, Whitewater Hall
“Inter-generational poverty in Fayette County, Indiana: a 10-year snapshot”

October 21 – Natalia Rybas, assistant professor of communication studies, Community Room, Whitewater Hall
“Producing the Networked Self: The Intricacies of Performing Digital Identities”

October 22 – Oi Lin Cheung, assistant professor of finance, Distinguished Alumni Room, Whitewater Hall
“ADR Market Timing: In Which Market Do Issuers Possess Better Market-Timing Ability and What Is the Role of Regulations?”

October 27 – John Stager, assistant professor of business administration and informatics, Distinguished Alumni Room, Whitewater Hall
“Dialogue, Collaboration, and Informatics”

October 28 – Daron Olson, assistant professor of history, Distinguished Alumni Room, Whitewater Hall
“Building a Greater Norway: The Creation of a Transnational Identity”

November 2 – Frances Yates, associate librarian, director of the IU East Campus Library, Community Room, Whitewater Hall
“Children’s Literature as a Catalyst for Creative Organizational Thinking”

November 4 – Denice Williams, visiting lecturer in Reading Education, Distinguished Alumni Room, Whitewater Hall
“The Impact of Oral Language Intervention on Early Literacy Learning”