2011 Blogs

The Seinfeld of Blogs. At least it's entertaining, if not mildly?



Me dressed up for Army Theme night at Venue Saturday!



HIYA! (And no, that's not me karate chopping a piece of wood, that's my greeting. If you're lost, refer back to my previous video blogs, slacker). So I'm sitting here, bored, eating some chocolate biscuits (biscuit=cookie in England). Why I have never experienced a McVitie's Milk Chocolate Digestive before, I do not know, but the experience was long overdue. Ok, the best way to eat them is by making some hot tea (English Breakfast=the best, obviously?) with a lot of sugar and a touch of milk, then you dip the biscuit into the tea. What results is a gushy cookie (you know, like when you let your Oreo sit in milk?) with a melted chocolate topping. It is the best thing of my life!! Well that and STAR WARS! I’m a recent member to the force. I went and saw Episode I in 3D a couple of weeks ago and have been catching up ever since! My Spanish soul mate, Lucia (from my VLOG last week) is a Star Wars expert and every Sunday we eat chocolate biscuits and watch Star Wars together. R2D2 is my favorite! Hayden Christensen (YUM) is my other favorite! SO. HOT. Literally. For those of you who saw Ep. III, you catch my drift. I love me some Anakin, he’s just a good boy gone bad, but hey, SITH HAPPENS, right? When I’m all caught up on Star Wars we’re starting Lord of the Rings. Lucia gave me the gist of LOTR, and I’m intrigued. I tried watching the first movie when I was like 16 but fell asleep ten minutes in. Hobbits just weren’t my thing, Hayden Christensen was, though. Now, besides eating an extremely unhealthy dinner of tea and biscuits, drooling over Ani in Star Wars and wishing I had my personal R2D2 (he’s so cute!) I have been reading The Hunger Games. I am almost finished with the second book of the trilogy and I can’t put it down! I HIGHLY recommend them. Seriously. I know, I know, you think I’m just an annoying fan girl with a life-size Taylor Lautner cutout who likes to read awful books about vampires marrying and sexing selfish, plain, annoying humans who have co-dependency issues and horrible taste in baby names, but I promise you, The Hunger Games is worth your time. It has elements of one of my ALL-TIME favorite books, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, but still has the elements of a good young adult book. Amazing!!

Now moving on to the not so important aspects of my life, school. Ha! Just kidding. My classes are going well. I get to learn about debilitating human diseases every Monday morning and it always is just the pick me up I need and a brilliant start to my week (<<<-insert sarcasm). Today? Today I got to see a 56-year old woman’s removed gall bladder filled with gall stones caused by excess dietary cholesterol. It was so yummy. It was just a picture though, so it wasn’t too bad. My Religion and Sex class is awesome as usual, BUT(!), I really, like reeeaaally miss being in a science lab learning metabolic mechanisms and learning why proteins denature the way they do. In my Religion class, every topic we argue or talk about is so cyclical. By that I mean every argument that is discussed has an equal counter argument with just as much evidence and support to back it up. In my history and American class, everything is so political and therefore cyclical because everyone has an opinion and everyone has an opposing opinion that can be equally justified. Sometimes I just say to my seminar leader, “Please come back to me, my head hurts.” Or I’ll get going on a tangent and forget what I’m trying to say because again, everything can be argued, then everything can be counter argued and every argument boils down to your interpretation of the subject and there’s always someone else with  a different interpretation. It’s mind numbing. That’s why I like going to my Human Physiology class, no matter how depressing and equally disgusting it may be, I know that if you eat biscuits in excess, you’ll get fat which will eventually lead to Diabetes Mellitus type II which will eventually lead to you losing some limbs just like Anakin. See, everything=cycle. Ok, that’s an exaggeration, sort of, but I’ve learned so much about myself and my views on things being here, it’s amazing. I’ve also learned how to really think about things while taking other views into consideration. And watch out, because when I do develop my thought and opinion, you will go DOWN. I'm like a fierce woman attorney. A tiger in a courtroom. A Jedi with a lightsaber.  I can’t wait to come back to IUE and apply all that I’ve learned here through my Kent modules to the classes I take my SENIOR year at IUE! I can’t believe I’m almost done and I can’t believe I only have 3 more months in England(!), a place I can actually call home! BUT, let’s not think about that. I’ll get back to my biscuits and tea and I’ll let you guys get cracking on The Hunger Games. WAIT!! Also- let me say, I've noticed a decline in the amount of people who read and comment on  the blogs at http://east.iu.edu/blogs/. Now you know I love you equally, well I actually love the ones who comment more, but we all blog for you guys! Believe me, I don't just sit and write or sit and talk to myself on my webcam purely for kicks (that's only sometimes ;) ). I want you guys to be entertained and well informed on all of the necessities of life, ie. Star Wars and chocolate biscuits. So let me in on what YOU guys want to know (yes, I'm single...let's just get that one out of the way) and leave comments! Also be sure to check out Jordan, Lauren, Kait, Tyler, Nicole and Ashley on IUE's blogs and interact with them ,too! Have a wonderful day and may the force be with you always! xx

KELS SKYWALKER (only if Anakin was Hayden Christensen, but Luke was hot, too? Hmm, decisions, decisions...)


LUCIA. The Obi-Wan to my Anakin <3 One of my best friends here!


Life-altering Cookies...