2012 Blogs



THANK YOU JESUS! Get it, Whoopi!


We made it! I actually felt like this day would never come and now that it has, I'm not sure I can get used to the feeling of not having anything to do. In high school I cheered competitively and our practice schedule was rigorous and consistent for 9 months so when we got a break for spring I would never know what to do with myself! I'm having a déjà vu feeling now, only I know EXACTLY what I'm going to do over break...get myself TOGETHA! This semester was weird. Period. I'm not sure if there was something in the water or if it was the weather but I was drained after the first month and it was like the majority of the people in my classes mirrored my lethargy. I'll be honest though, my time management SUCKED! Instead of studying I spent hours on YouTube watching old people fall off things (an old guy on a scooter actually made me laugh so hard I cried) or I would constantly check Instagram or twitter or some other stupid social media site.  And because I would spend all of my time during the day dawdling (I LOVE to dawdle) I began consistently staying up till 3 or 4am. I was also eating junk because I wasn't getting enough sleep and stressing out about the constant pile of work I had to do and I definitely wasn't getting to gym regularly SO my body decided to protest my new, horrible routine RIGHT BEFORE FINALS. Now I'm aware that I am a drama queen but I literally thought I was dying. It was the sickness where you didn't want to be in your body, you know? Like you wanted to just crawl out of your skin for bit and get some rest. But I've gotten medicine and am feeling much better! With this recent horrific incident I have promised myself I will NEVER do that to my body again! I always felt tired and disorganized, my room was a mess, my hair was a mess (which is NEVER good), my make-up would be cray, etc.  So I am excited that I have a break to get everything together before NEXT semester (I know it's horrible to even type that since we literally just finished this one) so I don't have another near death experience (or any more bad hair days). Thank God for break!!! AND CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE FOR SURVIVING ANOTHER SEMESTER! WOOOOOOO! Till next time- Kels xx ...my life this semester.