2014 Blogs

It's Finally Finals Week!


tumblr_mlmqsiQVm41snjoxto1_500Finally it’s finals week! Oh the joy of the semester almost being over, meaning schools almost out, meaning summer school starts soon is just awesome! With it being finals week people's stress levels are out of this world, I know a girl who even got sick! So before you freak out and have a heart attack (endless you’re a nursing major I don’t suggest the heart attack, or if you’re over 40…) take a deep breath and follow a few tips to get through this week!

  1. Take a deep breath. That’s right in, out! I think a lot of us take for granted what a good deep breath can do. I sure can use one every day, just because I hate people and they cause me stress, but really take a good long deep breath. Maybe scream at the end? However don’t scream in a public place, people might freak out and call the cops… ha!turning-in-my-finals-exam

  2. Chew some gum! That’s right chew that unhealthy piece of candy! They say if you chew the same kind of gum while studying and then for the test you remember more! I got that off Pinterest so it must be true. But really, chewing gum relaxes your jaw muscles. So when you’re clinching that mouth of yours up, pop in a piece of gum!

  3. Join Spotify, listen to the Deep Focus playlist, and study! I swear by this playlist, also I’m listening to it as I write! I’m not a very calm person, but this playlist is my go to when I’m studying, writing a paper, or about to pop someone’s head off. Seriously listen to it. Oh and Spotify is free, so why not join!

  4. Eat healthy, and sleep healthy. Yes it’s very easy to run to the fridge at 10 at night and eat like 20 Pizza Rolls, don’t do it! Those little guys are good, but they’ll actually only make you more tired, which you don’t need if you're cramming in a paper. Also the real question is why are you up at 1am writing? If you have a final to take at 10am, does it really make sense to be up writing at 1? No! So before you cram that paper in, and honestly it’ll probably suck (I do this a lot fyi that’s how I know!), maybe plan what needs done this week and work on it early. Trust me your brain will thank you!0649f65cd890319c7ce82fe915b43dcd60e72369d68c1ba967a1ff23952f9155

  5. Get all your stuff together for your finals. That’s right, if your final is made up of only questions from previous tests study those things up! Prepare as much as possible for every test, but stop and take breaks every now and again. If you have no clue how to do a certain accounting problem, go over it till you get it. If you don’t get the whole class and are lost completely, talk to your advisor or the professor. Although it’s super last-minute to do, they are great resources to help you as much as possible!

  6. Prepare to look like a zombie! That’s right, drink some coffee, put some eye drops in those eye hole of yours, find those gross sweatpants you’ve been wearing all semester, and head to class! If you actually are lucky enough to put jeans on this week I applaud you, and if you’re lucky enough to actually be taking you finals in bed, feel free to wear your PJ’s and invest in a good pair of computer glasses.

  7.  Keep the distractions at the door. Your phone, the Sims, and even your cat (although that’s a tough one) keep them out of reach. When focused you don’t need the buzzing of your phone interrupting you! Put it in another room and focus on what’s at hand.images

  8. Take a break man! Your brain this week is at full capacity from all those weird formulas you have to remember. Take a second and go for a walk. Creep on other people's lives on Instagram. Watch Kimmy Schmitt on Netflix (seriously do it, it’s like my life)! Do something to calm your nerves.

  9. Do all your teacher evaluations. Why? Because you never know if it’s worth bonus, and it gives teachers feedback on what they need to improve on. Also it saves the next students that have that teachers’ class from writing that crazy long research paper over sea weed, because as a communications major sea weed is boring!

  10. Lastly celebrate. You’ve prepared a whole semester for this moment, this test, and this paper. You got this kid! Whether it’s your senior year, or freshman year you are almost done and that’s something to celebrate about! So buy a swim suit, grab your blow up kiddy pool, and get ready to enjoy your summer.UufykHxBONUS!!! Go thank all your teachers! Silly, probably, but they wasted their time teaching you how to become better at whatever you’re doing here in college (I mean your degree btw!). Without their hard work, your life would be miserable and you’d be dumber than you already are. So thank those awesome people!