2014 Blogs

Making Out In Cars


The other night I was casually listening to Natalie Stovall here at the East and she started off one song saying it was for the girls. After hearing maybe a minute of the song it hit me, I needed to write a letter. Funny thought to have in the middle of a song called "Making Out in Cars", but hey I've had weirder revelations. So here is my letter and I hope you enjoy.

Dear Girls,

Here's to you.

Here's to the girls with Dorito looking faces, and here's to the girls that are all natural. That crud we all pile onto our faces is sometimes a waste. Makeup is honestly for the birds, but we all secretly love it! I am one of those girls that loves makeup, but there's a point where it’s too much. When you look like an exotic bird or a bat is about to fly off your face I think it’s time to reconsider what goes on and what stays off. Know that you were made the way you are for a reason, embrace it and love it!

Here's to the girls in short skirts and heels, and here's to the girls who are in sweatpants and Nike Free Runs. What you put on your body doesn't define you. Most of us are just happy you have clothes on! I am definitely one of those girls that loves her short shorts, however there's a time and place for them. Learn when to put your assets away and be classy. Class not ass! Plus no one cares if you’re in sweats or a dress, it’s who's in the clothes that matters most.

Here's to the girls that are boy crazy, and here's to the girls that think boys are crazy! Let's be honest boys can be great. They tell you you’re pretty and they may even like you! However if that's all you're looking for then go look in the mirror and tell yourself your pretty. Boys have feelings to, or so I've been told. So next time you think about playing with a boys heart think first. Actually always think when it comes to boys. Point, blank, period.

Here's to my girls with buck loads of tears and here's to the girls with their hearts on their sleeves. Love and heartbreak suck. I have never been in love, so I can't give you any good advice there, however I've heard its magically and leaves you all happy and stuff.. Yuck. I do know what it's like to have your heart broken though! Imagine being thrown into a pit of lava only to find there's no bottom and you're just falling forever. That's the feeling, and you're left looking at the lava all the time. Learn it'll happen and it will hurt! But if you don't experience this feeling you'll never know what it's like to have something better afterwards. Because there is always something better in the end, or so I have been told.

Here is to the girls that can't stand girls and here' to the girls that can't live without them. Friends come and go. Whether they be girls or guys, drama will always follow. Just know who stands by your side and who you'd want to hold your earrings. You'd be surprised who shows up by your side, those are the friends that will last a life time.

Here's to the girls with all the knowledge in the world, and here's to the girls that can walk and chew gum, at the same time. It doesn't matter what some piece of paper says about how smart you are. We all are smart in different ways! I can't tell you how to spell something if my life depended on it, however I can give you a rock solid speech. We all have different strengths, learn yours quickly! No one wants to be stuck at college forever trying to figure out what they're good at.

Here's to the girls with big dreams, and to the girl's that dream of babies. Both of you are correct. Although I would never pick a baby over my dreams I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. That's something we all should listen to. Whether you want six kids and a farm, or a New York City, loft that is your call. Don't let someone tell you you can't, because you can if you try hard enough, and maybe find some magic beans.

Here's to all the girls, regret happens. There will be times in your life you will doubt what you've done and wish to take it back. Don't. Every step you take you've taken strategically, whether you know this or not. I can look back and tell you every little thing I've done wrong with a boy, but that's not going to get him back. Actually for a long time I wanted him back and regretted messing whatever I messed up with him. However I look at him now and see someone I would never want in my life because they've changed and not for the better. Don't regret the past, learn from it, and live a better today.

Finally, here is to the girls. Keep being you, don't change for boys, love everyone, punch people who deserve it, drink lots of tea, workout when needed, eat cupcakes often, play hard, study a lot. And finally you do you!

Much love,

Morgan ❤