2014 Blogs

More than just Salmon in the world


Yesterday another girl compared herself to me. Normally I would have taken this as a form of flattery, however she wasn't comparing in a positive way. This girl was comparing herself to me from a boys point of view, as in saying we were the same "type" of girl. That struck a tightly coiled nerve in me. On the outside yes we are similar. At one point we both had blonde hair, are short, and were cheerleaders. Clearly on paper we seem alike. However when you walk down the street do you see someone who is your exact replica? Nope! Exactly, in my opinion no one person is like another. I'm not like you and you are not like me, okay? Okay. So there in is no need to compare yourself, but clearly this girl found whatever in her to do so.

Back to the story. She asked me what I did to attract this boy's attention. A very perplexing question because I truly cannot answer a question like this. I'm not him, nor do I want to talk about that subject. However she was very persistent as to how. So I gave her my best answer, and thanks to a little help from a friend I got some back up on said question. My friend answered with a witty comeback, saying I got this kids eye from across the room, how cheesy. However if you ask me, I was myself.

So here is to the girl who compared herself to me yesterday. This is how you get the attention of a boy who truly doesn't want your attention. Enjoy..

First off stop talking about something you don't know, aka sports. If you don't understand it don't talk about it, you will truly find your face in the sidewalk. Going, "OMG did you see the Bulls last night!? That tall guy was so good! And soooo hot! OMG!" Boom. Stop that! Talk about what you know. If you know the Pacers play the Bucks tonight, great for you! If you don't know the difference between offense or defense or even the different positions don't talk about it. And no, no one wants to go to a sporting event with someone who knows nothing about that team.

Next! Don't be someone you are not. If you are a ditsy ball of energy be that, don't change yourself to fit into someone else's idea of what you should be. I will never be Blake Lively. She is herself, and I am me. Stop trying to be a Blake when you are YOU. Point, blank, and straight to the point. Be yourself, if that's a goldfish cracker eating, fuzzy sock wearing, Star Wars loving girl than be that. That's what people like to see. I can't stress this enough.

Don't chase someone who will never chase you. Advice I should probably take, but really if they are not interested then I hate to say it but stop trying. The saying that there are a million fish in the sea is true, and if your only looking for that specific type of fish to fill a hole all you're going to get is salmon. If you like salmon great! But there truly are great fish out there, find them!

I think my last thought is don't settle for less than the best. Everyone deserves the best, however only you are the judge of what is the best. If you only want in someones pants then find someone worth that! Don't waste your best on someone who doesn't find you the best. Like I said you're the only judge of what truly is the best, not your friends, or family, or even your cat. Do what is best for you.

To the girl who compared herself to me and my "type", hop off. Be yourself, stop chasing the wrong people, don't be dumb, and stop searching for the right now and look for the future. Plus you're young! You have plenty of time to meet people.