2014 Blogs

Why I am NOT a Darth Vader...


Hello all you weirdos! I figured I should write this first blog all about me so you get an idea about me and my life here at IU East (and beyond for that matter).

I'm a sophomore here at the East where I study Communications and Marketing (a new thing for me!). I also work at the office of campus life, so stop by and say hi! Even if i give you a weird look because there is a good chance i wont remember you, or know you, I'll still say hello and probably put some candy in your hand!  Call me creepy, but it'll happen!!! I'm also a dancer here, which basically means i try to move my body like Beyonce but i can't soooo, yeah! If you've seen my face before don't freak out cause i also do the what's up video you all receive in your email... If you're on your way to check your email to see my face I'm probably judging you slightly. I'm also an ambassador here which means i give tours and tell people how awesome IU East is.

I'm more than just IU East, even though it sounds like I'm the only student here. I'm a babysitter, a friend, a sister and my favorite a self proclaimed awesome kid. My favorite color is Peach because i like how fuzzy they are and how that's the same color of the sunset. I am so totally in love with the Hobit its not even funny, however i refuse to watch the Lord of the Rings movies. I love basketball, blame that on my Hoosier roots. I love to drive even though i'm a girl and suck at driving. I have the worlds cutest puppy and if you think yours is cuter i will challenge you in a cute contest! I am in love with sweet tea, which is a hint to bring me one... like everyday. I'm the worlds ditsiest girl. I love animals. I'm in love with Ed Sheeran, judge me. I'm just like any normal 19 year old. I get stressed, I've had my share of hurt feelings, i hate half of the worlds population, and I'm a 5'2 girl that's fiestier than any grandma on a scooter in Meijer.

So that's enough about me! However i will say GO TO THE GLOW ZONE PARTY!!! And Thanks John and Amanda... I hope you are prepared for this adventure you have put me on.

DSC_3406-XLCarpe Diem!