Reason for Policy
Explanations for the academic calendar guidelines:
Begin fall semester “the fourth Monday of August”
This is a change from “the Monday before Labor Day.” The change will mean that grades are due a few days earlier in December and further in advance of December 25, when the campus is closed. Students will have more time to settle questions about their grades prior to the closing of campus. This will also allow more time to prepare for suspension appeals before the campus closes on December 25; there is a greater likelihood that students’ records will be run and suspension appeals letters will be sent prior to the closing of campus, which will allow students more time to prepare their suspension appeals if they choose. Beginning fall semester on the fourth Monday of August will not disrupt EDUC programs that are coordinated with local schools’ schedules.
Begin spring semester “on the Monday that is no sooner than one week after January 1”
This is a change from “no sooner than two weeks (10 working days) after New Year’s Day.” IU East has begun spring semester about one week later than other IU campuses. This has been the major discrepancy between IU East’s academic calendar and those of other campuses. Having a start date closer to that of other campuses will assist students who are transferring between IU campuses. It will also assist IU East students who are taking some classes at Ivy Tech Community College, and students who are transferring between Ivy Tech and IU East.
Fall Break will be one full week.
No change. Although a shorter Fall Break would allow the scheduling of a brief midterm break, IU East’s past experience with a shorter Fall Break demonstrated that students would be absent in large numbers early in the week. This finding has been confirmed by the experiences of some other IU campuses whether the student population is mostly traditional or non-traditional.]
Spring Break will occur between the ninth and tenth weeks of the semester (following the auto-W deadline).
No change.
No proposed midterm break in fall semester
Scheduling a brief midterm break in fall semester was discussed but determined to not be feasible at this time. Shortening Fall Break to allow a midterm break would most likely result in widespread absenteeism earlier in the week of Fall Break, damaging student success. Beginning fall semester earlier than the third or fourth Monday of August to allow a midterm break might interfere with EDUC program scheduling. Beginning fall semester during the third week of August will create an overlap with the Summer II semester and will complicate the scheduling of suspension appeals. Ending fall semester later would result in the current problem that grades are sometimes due shortly before December 25, when the campus is closed. This does not allow students to resolve questions about grades before the campus closes, and allows less time for suspension appeals letters to be sent in a timely fashion.
The following guidelines remain in place and are not included in the Resolution:
· a 3-credit hour course should meet for approximately 2,000 minutes, excluding the final exam;
· a standard semester (i.e., Fall/Spring) will meet for at least 16 weeks, including exam week and one week of break;
Indiana University East
Faculty Senate
Academic Calendar Guidelines
WHEREAS the academic calendar guidelines will ease transferability between the Indiana University campuses;
WHEREAS the academic calendar guidelines will ease transferability between the Ivy Tech Richmond campus and Indiana University East;
WHEREAS the academic calendar guidelines will allow IU East programs to continue without disruption;
WHEREAS the academic calendar guidelines will encourage student success and retention;
That the Faculty Senate adopts the following guidelines for the academic calendar beginning with the academic year 2012-2013:
1. Fall semester will begin the fourth Monday of August;
2. Spring semester will begin on a Monday no sooner than one week (five working days) after January 1;
3. Fall Break will be one full week, including Thanksgiving Day;
4. Spring Break will occur between the ninth and tenth weeks of the semester (following the auto-W deadline).