Supplemental instruction (SI)

Extra assistance for challenging entry-level courses

The Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program offers free academic assistance to students enrolled in challenging entry-level courses. SI Leaders are students who have previously taken the course, been recommended by a faculty member, and trained by Academic Support Programs. SI Leaders attend class with the students and then conduct three to four regularly scheduled study sessions every week for the entire semester.

As a student, how you decide to prioritize your time to include all of your daily events and responsibilities is essential. By choosing to attend SI sessions, you will take an important step towards becoming a more successful student.

Join the SI Leaders at Exam Jam for final exam prep the Friday before finals week! Check your email and watch the event calendar for event announcements.

What SI can do for YOU

  • SI can raise your grade by one letter grade or more.
  • SI provides guaranteed study time with your peers and your SI Leader.
  • SI helps motivate you by increasing your knowledge and confidence.
  • SI sessions can help you learn course material in a fun way.