Experiences outside of the classroom

Broaden your horizons

Dedicated to your community? At IU East, you have opportunities to engage with and benefit your communities through service learning and volunteerism. Volunteer or seek an internship with community organizations or local government. And if you haven't already, register to vote!

Looking for a broad cultural perspective? Study abroad to expand your view of the world. Take a foreign language course. Volunteer or seek an internship with organizations that serve minorities.

Looking for leadership experience or to connect with fellow students? Explore student organizations or learn about the Student Government Association in PackLife.

Voter Registration Information

In compliance with certain federal and state requirements, Indiana University East is providing information about links to electronic sites where voter registration forms can be found.

Voter registration forms are available online at the Indiana Election Commission Website: in.gov/sos/elections/2403.htm and the Election Assistance Commission Website: eac.gov. To download and print the form you will need Adobe® Acrobat Reader®.

Important Voter Registration Dates

Registration Deadline: Voter registration forms must be postmarked (or hand delivered to your county voter registration office) no later than 29 days before the next election.

You have the right to vote in Indiana if:

  • You are both a U.S. citizen and a resident of Indiana; and
  • You will be at least 18 years of age on or before the next General or Municipal Election, and
  • You are not currently in prison after being convicted of a crime; and
  • You have lived in the precinct where you vote for at least 30 days prior to the election; and
  • You are registered to vote.

Register to Vote Online

Register to vote online. Indiana residents with a valid Indiana driver’s license or Indiana state-issued identification card will be able to use this tool to submit a new voter registration application or to update an existing voter registration record.

Indiana Voters provides Hoosiers with the ability to validate their voter registration status, find their polling place location, look into their provisional ballot status information, find county contact information, and determine “Who's on My Ballot?” for an upcoming election.

Register to Vote by Mail or In-Person

To register to vote or update your current registration by mail or in person, you will need to complete and return the  Voter Registration Form (En Español) 29 days prior to a Primary or General Election.

Return the completed form to your county’s voter registration office or the Indiana Election Division according to the registration deadline requirements. You can also apply in person at the voter registration or county clerk’s office, any BMV license branch or public assistance office.

Once your voter registration application is received, your county voter registration office will process the application and determine your eligibility. If you are eligible, the county office will send you a voter registration acknowledgment card. Once you receive that card, you will be officially registered. If you are not eligible, or if the application was incomplete, you will receive a notice denying the application or requesting the missing information.

If you have not received a voter registration card or a notice from your county within about 30 days, call your county voter registration office. You can check your voter registration and polling location at anytime at indianavoters.com or by calling 1-866-IN-1-VOTE.