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A Word from the Creative Nonfiction Editor, Lindsay Osborn

Hi, everyone! I’m Lindsay Osborn, the creative nonfiction editor for Tributaries 2022. I am an online student from Northwest Indiana, and I am thrilled that I have the opportunity to be on staff this year. I became interested in the position after taking
W280: Literary Editing and Publishing in Spring 2021. It is the highlight of my week to meet with the Tributaries staff to review submissions.

As the creative nonfiction editor, I would love to see submissions about unique situations that have happened within the author’s life. I enjoy pieces that cover the many facets of the human experience—successes, hardships, touching and tragic moments. And as a lover of comedy, I adore observational and witty writing that explores the absurdity of the world around us. I am excited to read more submissions!


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